Welcome to Militzabooks!

As the name suggests, we sell books on our website, but besides books, poems, etc. we also provide social, psychological and nutritional consulting and courses. Contact us for more information
The courses are related to the books published by Militza. These courses go far beyond what the title describes and provide the participant with valuable knowledge and insight that they can use for themselves and their loved ones. Contact us more information about our courses
All our e-books published by Militza are available in Papiamentu and some are already available in English, Dutch and Spanish. If you want to order a number of copies of a title for a number of people you can use our "Bulk Order" option.



Do you think you’re too young to start thinking about retirement? 


Bo ta kere ku bo ta muchu yòn pa kuminsá prepará bo mes pa penshun?

Family Budgeting is a must read for everyone. It is the foundation for leading a financially responsible life. 


Presupuesto Familiar ta un buki ku tur hende mester lesa. E ta forma e base pa biba finansieramente responsabel. 

Coming soon to Militzabooks!

How much should you spend on eating? Are you eating healthy? 


Kuantu sèn ta sufisiente pa gasta na komementu? Kiko ta un kuminda salu?
